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About us


Jonida and Argiris are the creators and owners of artistic utopia. A home of arts and craftship built for people who share the same passion. Alongside with other creators from small businesses we wish to provide you with unique and long-lasting goods.


Nowadays the majority of products are plastic, toxic and of poor quality. We opt to change this fact and present you with the opportunity of well-made, high quality and handmade goods in the best price possible. Each piece is thoughtfully designed and beautifully handcrafted either by us or by our partners. Our products are inspired from the simplicity of old times and the necessities of modern world.


Being nature lovers our company is desinged to be as eco-friendly as possible. We promise you products from sustainable materials that will endure the test of time. The package as well will be as ecological as possible to ensure the longlivity of our planet home. Unique pieces in high quality is what we want to represent and make accessible to you all. Our love for arts and creating is what motivates us in life and in this journey we have embarked.